Make the Margaree Lodge your hunting headquarters while stocking your allusive prey in the forests and glens of Inverness County. With the advent of cool evenings and chilly mornings the hunter is beckoned from his warm lair in search of the hunt.
In pioneer days this was an essential part of the fall season and just as important as taking in the fall harvest. Today, with a managed resource there are limitations on the amount killed and during which time of the season it can be killed. White tailed deer are plentiful in our woods and profuse sightings take place on a daily basis. These beautiful animals are well managed and provide a rush as they are
stocked and bagged. The moose is another animal that provides a spectacular hunt and their majestic bearing can plough through trees and wreck havoc when they are protecting their young. Since the bounty has been removed on bear, you may obtain a license to hunt them as well. Small game such as duck,
patridge and rabbit are also seasonal hunts which provide a brisk walk and fosters pride in our habitat and area as you view the majestic beauty of our scenery from the well trod trails of the animals you are hunting. Take precaution and enjoy the hunt in the Margaree's.